Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fix: The dependency service or group failed to start // found new hardware

Short post.

I had a problem with a client's machine that suddenly failed to connect to his wireless network. Tried phone support/advice: I knew his machine...probably, his network adapter went down. Recommended he get USB adapter.

No help.

I went to visit. Installed USB wireless adapter. Still can't connect. On login, new hardware found (not related to new wireless device). Disabled old, presumed non-working, adapter. Still finding new hardware and failing to get drivers. Strange.

On mouseover of system tray network icon, "The dependency service or group failed to start" is displayed.

Google it.

A few forums had some fixes...none seemed to work. Even tried (from elevated command prompt) "netsh winsock reset" a couple of times. No help.

Finally found a forum comment that helped (

[from elevated command prompt -- type 'cmd' in start menu search, right-click and 'run as administrator']

1) netsh winsock reset
2) netsh int ip reset
3) net localgroup administrators localservice /add
4) net localgroup administrators networkservice /add
5) exit
Then reboot.

I'm sure you could have found this otherwise...but I hope more links to it/posts about it with the fix that worked for me can only help, right?


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